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Some say I’m a prolific artist…

Updated: Oct 24, 2023

I guess it's true, I am a prolific painter. Truth be told, I'm passionate about my work. To this day, I still get a thrill from taking a "blank canvas," so to speak, and transforming it into a beautiful painting. I very rarely have time to teach classes these days, but I always began each class with "words and imagery" to evoke that same sense of excitement in my students!

"You see before you," I would say, "a totally blank canvas. You will soon witness a beautiful painting evolve, by your on hand. A work of art, created entirely by YOU, from the very first stroke to the last!" A professional painter for the better part of three decades, I still feel that same sense of awe and excitement - each and every time I pick up a paint brush!

Awe yes, "prolific, " I am indeed. Have you ever picked up a really good book, and just couldn't put it down? You just HAD to know what was going to happen. A "Painting" is exactly the same for me; regardless of "what" I'm creating - a Wall Mural, Driveway Mural, or a "traditional" painting, for instance. Once I lay that very first stroke on to my blank "canvas," I just can't wait to "unveil" the finished painting!

I've been asked how many paintings I've created over the years; hundreds, perhaps more, I have no idea. I've also been asked how many murals I've painted since "retiring;" once again, I honestly don't know - I've never stopped to count. Though just a small sampling, one can get a glimpse, of my body of work, by perusing my recently updated website. If you've followed my work over the years, like me, you might find yourself on a "trip down memory road." Much like Tony Bennett who kept singing to the very end; I guess I'll just keep on keeping on, until I can no longer grip a "paint brush."

As I've said for decades;

Old Artists Never Retire... Eventually,


😉👩‍🎨 Debbie


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