My clients saw a lanai wall mural, I painted several years ago, facing the 9th hole on the "Truman" golf course. That particular mural, (pictured here, ) was painted incorporating two "Great Blue Heron" wall sculptures into the composition.


"Truman #9" Underpainting.
If you look closely at this picture, you can see the mural "underpainting" with the two birds. I prefer to paint a complete scene in my "under painting" compositions. This is so the mural will stand on its own should the sculpture ever deteriorate or be removed.

My clients commissioned me to paint something similar, to that on "Truman #9, by utilizing their own metal sculpture wall hanging. They intended the "Sandhill Crane" sculpture to be the focal point in their mural.
Pictured here is the metal sculpture wall hanging "before" I started painting.

This is the completed mural, incorporating the metal sculpture piece. The "underpainting" is hidden by the sculpture.

Simply removing the metal sculpture reveals the the mural "underpainting."
As you can see, the painting is a complete mural just as it is. As previously mentioned, I want to ensure that my murals "stand on their own" should the metal sculpture ever be removed for any reason.
Well, as Paul Harvey used to say, "here's the rest of the story:"
I'm pleased to report that my wonderful clients are so delighted with the mural "underpainting" that they have decided to maintain the "true reveal," and remove the metal sculpture altogether. In addition, we are now entering "Phase 2," of the commission - which is not at all unusual. This
In "Phase 2," my clients are commissioning me to enlarge the mural by adding palm(s,) and cattails into their sandhill crane themed composition.
Lol, in "Phase 3, " which will take place at a considerably later date, I'll be painting a mural in their lanai.
And so it goes...